Healthcare Plus Solutions Group
Quint Studer is a lifelong student of leadership. He has a gift for translating complex strategies into doable behaviors that allow organizations to achieve long-term success.
Quint is the author of 16 books, beginning with his first title, BusinessWeek bestseller Hardwiring Excellence. While most of his books are geared to those working in healthcare, two of his general business books—Results That Last and The Busy Leader’s Handbook—became Wall Street Journal bestsellers. In 2021, he released The Calling: Why Healthcare Is So Special, which is aimed at helping healthcare professionals keep their sense of passion and purpose high. In 2023, the book Sundays with Quint, a collection of his most popular leadership columns, was released.
A newer book, Rewiring Excellence: Hardwired to Rewired, provides tools and techniques that are doable and that help employees and physicians experience joy in their work as well as enhance patients’ and families’ healthcare experiences. The Human Margin: Building the Foundations of Trust, written in partnership with Katherine A. Meese, PhD, was published in March 2024 by Health Administration Press (ACHE).
Leadership Insights: Building a Culture That Drives and Supports Value-Based Care (LEAD13)
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
9:00am – 10:30am CT