Senior Director, Registry Research, Analytics & Measurement
American Heart Association
Kathie Thomas, DHA, MPH is the Senior Director, Registry Research, Analytics, & Measurement for the
American Heart Association’s Clinical Research Department. As a
scholar-practitioner with over a decade of experience in quality improvement, performance
excellence, and research, she currently focuses on clinical and registry research and translating
processes into evidence-based care. Kathie is also an Adjunct Professor in the College of Graduate
Health Studies (CGHS) at A.T. Still University (ATSU). In this capacity, she primarily develops and
teaches courses related to quality improvement, performance excellence, and data analytics at
CGHS’s Doctor in Health Administration (DHA) and Master of Health Administration (MHA)
programs, and as well as sits on dissertation committees. She has published with Circulation, SAGE,
Michigan Academician, Heart Rhythm Journal, and Stroke. Kathie additionally serves on the Michigan
Stroke Initiative and the CGHS Chapter Alumni Board.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
4:30pm – 5:30pm CT