Operations Administrator
Mayo Clinic
Name, Credentials: Praneetha Elugunti, MSHA, MBA, MSc.
Title: Operations Administrator
Company/Hospital: Mayo Clinic Arizona
Specialties: Center of Regenerative Biotherapeutics, Center for Digital Health, Arizona Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Hub, and the Generative AI Program
Brief Bio: Praneetha Elugunti is an Operations Administrator at Mayo Clinic in Arizona. She is responsible for the strategic and operational leadership for several service lines including the Center of Regenerative Biotherapeutics, Center for Digital Health as well as the Arizona Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Hub and the Generative AI Program focused on accelerating AI efforts at Mayo Clinic.
Praneetha holds both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s of Science in Biology from Georgia State University. Her experience as a volunteer at Grady Memorial Hospital led her to pursue a career in healthcare. She also holds a dual master’s degree in Healthcare Administration and Business Administration from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Throughout her career, Praneetha has provided strong management and leadership through various areas of the organization including a significant operational and personnel management within numerous clinical practices, research facilities and project management for long term strategic initiatives. She is passionate about transforming healthcare and enjoys meeting new people.
Monday, March 24, 2025
10:00am – 11:30am CT