Strategy & Innovation
Hospitals did not historically own the services or providers needed to deliver care to patients after hospital discharge. Over the last few decades, hospitals have acquired or began offering many post-acute services, including nursing homes, home health and hospice agencies, durable medical equipment companies, and long-term acute care hospitals. There are advantages, challenges and opportunities associated with ownership of each of these assets. This session will present and discuss strategies and tactics to successfully operate hospital-owned services. Franciscan Ministries of Our Lady of the Lake Health System (FMOLHS) owns and operates several post-acute services within its nine-hospital network markets, including home health, hospice, long-term care, skilled nursing, independent living, assisted living, memory care, Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) and outpatient therapy. Over time, the benefits and challenges surrounding ownership of these services have shifted. Participants will review the tactics deployed by FMOLHS to maintain these services for the benefit of its patients.
John Capasso
Executive Advisor, Senior Care
Health Dimensions Group
Kristin Wolkart, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE
Retired Healthcare Executive
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System