Environments Reimagined: How AI and Tech Are Changing Care Delivery and Staffing and What This Means for Capital Prioritization and Facilities Investment (18H)
The Necessity of Nonprofit Health System Board Evolution in Today's Rapidly Evolving Healthcare Delivery System: The Successful Journey of Swedish Health Services (25H)
Care Transformation at the Intersection of Quality, Safety and Supply Chain: Leveraging the Power of Collaboration and Innovation Toward Improving Patient Outcomes (64H)
SITE VISIT: Personalized Medicine—Following the Tumor: Tour of University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (SITEMD2)
Credit(s): 0
1:00pm – 5:00pm CT
SITE VISIT: Deepening the Understanding of Mental Health Treatment: A Site-Based Exploration of Innovative Care Models at The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD (SITEHC)
Population Health
Credit(s): 0
2:00pm – 3:00pm CT
Fellow-Exclusive Session: Co-Leadership for the Future of Healthcare (FEL2)
Major Symposium Speaker: Jon Sendach, FACHE – North Shore University Hospital, Northwell Health
Major Symposium Speaker: Michael Gitman, MD, FACP – Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Northwell Health
Optimize Nurse Coverage: An Innovative Approach to Overcoming Staffing Challenges, Leveraging AI and Automation to Enhance Collaboration and Outcomes (101H)
Advancing the Patient and Provider Experience With the Ambulatory Administrative Academy, a Robust Training Program for Our Front-Line Administrative Staff (142H)