Thank you for your interest in participating in the Congress on Healthcare Leadership, March 23-27, 2025 (“Event”). The following Event Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) apply to your attendance and participation in the Event. Your Event registration may include in-person programming (including general admission keynotes, general education sessions, opening reception and exhibition), and/or any optional pre-Event programs, special events or special in-person programs you choose to add onto your registration.
“Attendee” for purposes of these Terms will include all participants at the Event, including exhibitors, sponsors, speakers, press, partners and individual attendees. By participating in this Event, you agree to these Terms so please read them carefully before registering. If you are completing this registration for another individual, please ensure that person has received a copy of these Terms and has reviewed and accepted these Terms prior to you submitting their registration for the Event.
This Event is organized and presented by the American College of Healthcare Executives (“ACHE”) which reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to limit or deny access to any entity or individual for a violation of any provision of these Terms.
ACHE is committed to ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all participants at all events. We expect all participants at the Event to abide by this Event Code of Conduct in all venues throughout an Event, including ancillary events and social gatherings, whether they are official or unofficial, in-person or virtual, and to abide by the following:
Unacceptable behaviors include, but are not limited to:
ACHE members shall also abide by the ACHE Code of Ethics.
Unacceptable behavior from any Attendee, venue staff, vendor, or any other individual with access to the Event will not be tolerated. Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.
If an Attendee venue staff, vendor, or any other individual with access to the Event taking part in the Event engages in unacceptable behavior, ACHE staff may remove said individual from the Event, without refund or payment of any other costs related to your attendance at the Event and/or may be banned from future ACHE events. Egregious violations will result in more severe sanctions, including the possibility of reporting to local law enforcement.
If you feel you are being subjected to, or notice that someone else is being subjected to, behavior that violates this Event Code of Conduct, please contact a member of ACHE staff as soon as possible or call 911 immediately. ACHE staff is available to assist participants in contacting hotel/convention center security or local law enforcement, and otherwise assist those experiencing harassment, to enable them to feel safe for the duration of the meeting. We value your attendance and want to make your experience as productive and professionally inspiring as possible. ACHE will promptly review any reports that the Event Code of Conduct has been violated.
The rights and privacy of those involved, including the rights of those who are being investigated, are protected. Keep in mind that if you report a concern, your identity will only be revealed if it is absolutely necessary and only to those who have a clear need to know so they can completely address and resolve the incident you reported.
This Event is intended to be accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the Event, please outline your needs during the registration process. While it is not always possible to do so, we will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your needs.
If you require additional accommodations onsite, please stop by Badge Pick-Up onsite, however we may be limited in our ability to accommodate your request immediately based on available resources and circumstances.
By acknowledging these Terms, you are providing your consent for ACHE to share your limited registration information (meaning name, company name, job title, city, state and/or country) on the ACHE attendee roster in the Event platforms.
You agree not to copy or permit to be copied, in any form or format, without the express written permission of ACHE, any of the contents of the Event attendee roster. You also agree not to use the roster contents for any commercial, marketing, promotional or political purposes.
As an Attendee, you understand and agree that ACHE may record all or portions of the Event through photography, film/video or audio recordings (“Recordings”). In agreeing to participate in the Event, you grant to ACHE and its authorized representatives a perpetual license, right and permission to use your image and include your participation in the Event as part of the Recordings. In granting such to ACHE, you also release, acquit and forever discharge ACHE and its authorized representatives from any claims, demands, rights, promises, damages and liabilities arising out of or in connection with the use or distribution of such Recordings, including but not limited to any claims for invasion of privacy, appropriation of likeness or defamation.
You further understand and agree that any or all Recordings may be placed on the Internet and/or used, in any form, as part of any future publications, brochure, or other printed materials or for promotional purposes by ACHE and further that such use shall be without payment of fees, royalties, special credit or other compensation. You further understand and agree that you will not have an opportunity to review the Recordings before they might be published or distributed. Any such Recordings taken during the duration of an Event are the sole property of ACHE.
The serving and sampling of food and beverage during the Event is an essential component. As allergens may be present in any food and beverage. Event Participants are responsible to manage any food allergies during the Event by noting any meal restrictions during the registration process and monitoring onsite with catering staff.